FRAGMENTED YET ONE: Tortinah tells her story by Ven. Stephen Adédọ̀tun Adésànyà, Ph.D


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Trust may be lost if we disrespect those with little voices, because all human beings are important, and God calls us to care for his world. ‘Fragmented Yet One – Tortinah tells her story’ invites us to care for each other, into a journey of integrity which offers a new perspective on our personalities. We are called to clarify our experiences, looking beyond our narrow world into a more generous vision of how God is calling us to examine the love we share, as we deal with the challenges arising from our cultural expectations. Dr. Stephen Adédọ̀tun Adésànyà, an archdeacon emeritus, as a revered speaker and author has written extensively in the area of pastoral psychology, care and counselling. He served both in Ijebu and Akure dioceses, Church of Nigeria. He later ministered in the Church of England dioceses of Southwark, Leeds and Blackburn until his retirement from full-time incumbency. He presently holds a PTO in The Diocese of Liverpool.


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