Frequently Asked Questions: This portion is for published or aspiring authors, writers, readers, and anyone curious enough to know more about books and publishing in general. We will keep the list short so as not to bore you. If you can’t find your answers here, our phone number is listed—CALL US.
Let me answer this question with a question. Why do you write and who do you write for?
If you write your pieces for your readers, then it would be of no use to them and you, if your manuscript is merely tucked away in a drawer. No reader would be able to locate that there.
The hurdle here is how to get your book from that drawer to the hands of your readers. Doing that yourself without the right resources might waste your time and handiwork.
Westwood Books will bridge that gap. Send that over to us and we will assess your work for free. We have assembled a team of experts to edit your manuscript, design your cover and layout, and process all needed registrations for you. We do the legwork while you retain full rights and have the final say in everything—all these without breaking the bank!
Not everyone gets a second chance. You do.
Remember how it took so long for your manuscript to get published? The hassle, the limitations, the disappointment. You envisioned your book to come out in a certain way but it has become nothing like it. Your dream, crushed; your royalties, zero.
We offer no guarantees but how hard is it to put 100% on an author’s masterpiece in the making? In doing so, what we guarantee is a book that has been taught how to spread its wings first before letting it fly. You will have direct contact to our consultants and we guarantee fulfillment based on your preferences.
Hassle, limitations, or disappointments? Not on our watch. We will guide you every step of the way.
Westwood Books uses Ingram Distribution, which is the largest book distributor in the United States, and Baker and Taylor.
If there are two things in this world that are, in every way, made for each other, that’s a book and a bookshelf.
It’s guaranteed that we will distribute your book worldwide through online bookstores but unlike other publishing houses, Westwood Books doesn’t stop there. Some may call us traditional, but it is our aim to put books where they belong—on bookshelves—and leading potential readers to it. And since we are so committed to this vision, we are launching our very own chain of bookstores which caters to both our authors and readers alike.