In trying to publish the book on the role of ideology in ideological violence, “The Pitfall of Truth: Holy War, its Rationale and Folly,” the author discovered government’s crony capitalism scheme aimed at blocking author-publishers from the mainstream marketplace of ideas – our nation’s bookstores and libraries, so library acquisition funds, and moneys spent at bookstores by individual booklovers go to corporations. This resulting to boot in government-sponsored censorship, he sued – to discover that judges feel free to replace in their decisions parties’ argument with judges’ own, so as to decide cases the way they want to, not the way they have to. And when sued for fraud, judges shield themselves by the self-given (in Pierson v Ray) right to act from the bench “maliciously and corruptly.” (Yes, you read this aright!) The book examines legal, social, and political implications of this bizarre right which allows arbitrary judging. It discusses issues such as precedent, selection of judges, judicial immunity, capacity of courts (the Supreme Court including) to hear cases, judicial misconduct (of course!) and other aspects of the theory and practice of law – as well as the consequences for the larger society. Accessibly written, the book is addressed both to a general reader interested in current debate about courts, and to a practicing legal professional, and a scholar of law.
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