What About Ijeoma Egbuna? (Chike Momah)


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Publication Date: 2/22/2019
B&W 6 x 9 in or 229 x 152 mm
Page Count: 256


This is a story about the loving and supportive relationship between two Igbo youths (Ikechi Mokwelu and Osita Ndubisi) in America. It charts their struggles and triumphs, their false starts and uncertain choices, as they negotiate life in a new cultural milieu filled with the freedom to accept or reject old cultural norms. Ikechi and Osita are two science graduates, linked in a close ‘brotherhood’ marked by much love, laughter and grand plans for their shared future.

Ikechi is plagued by the conflict of his affection for a girlfriend (Ijeoma Egbuna) during his High School years, and a potential new love (Ebele Nwoye) in America. With which of the two girls is he truly in love?

Osita struggles with the implications of inter-tribal (Igbo/Yoruba) marriage, and its potential to cause an age-old strife between him and his fiance, Titisola’s family. Will he succeed in bringing the family into the modern way?

The story is graced by the formal beauty of African cultural traditions and practices. It also clearly illustrates the challenges faced by young African migrants struggling to preserve the beauty and grace of the old ways and to weave them into the fabric of their American dream.

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Book Type

Paperback, Hardcover, eBook