Up, Down and Anywhere: A Beach Read by Harry Katzan Jr.


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There is nothing more relaxing than a chair at the beach or a hammock in the park. But after a while, the subject of what to do becomes obvious. As they say, “Read a Book,” but again, a familiar question comes up, what book. You are supposed to be relaxing and looking at the scenery. We have a good suggestion, how about either of the following options: The ROMEO Affair or Another ROMEO Affair. They are booth contained in this package, appropriately named Up, Down or Anywhere. The price for each of the three books is the same, including the latter one from which you get two for the price of one. So if you own either of the Romeo books or neither, this book is the way to go.
Romeo is a pleasant acronym for Retired Old Men Eating Out. The idea is that when their working life is over, a collection of gregarious gentlemen eat breakfast together regularly for a short period of enjoyment and intellectual stimulation. Frequently have a guest speaker, which adds to the pleasure.
After retirement, all men are equal, be they are general, professors, doctors, executives, and so forth. This book solves an obvious problem of what to read for each and every discipline. There are numerous incidents and interesting anecdotes for any situation.
As in previous novels the main characters are Matt Miller, who has a PhD degree from a prestigious university, and uses mathematical thinking and solid logic, along with the organizational ability of General Les Miller, his grandfather, to solve major problems for the government and other international organizations, along with the intellect, wit, and charm of Ashley, Matt’s wife and former actress.
The scene changes rapidly, bur always within the scope of no violence, no sex, and no bad language. The book typifies an adventurous beach read in that the subject matter can be read as separate stories and events.
Enjoy the beach read and the person sitting next to you.


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