Hidden Planet (Dorrine Simmering)

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Publication Date: 4/10/2018
B&W 6 x 9 in or 229 x 152 mm
Page Count: 368


Chockfull of interesting characters and intriguing subplots, Hidden Planet will, without a doubt, hold the attention of any reader, hardcore science fiction fan or not. On a mission in favor of The Federation of the Planets, nineteen year old Darianna leaves her family and friends on Earth and fulfills what she has been trained to do – to save Numinus, a planet with humans as its ancestors, from possible enslavement and invasion by the power- hungry space pirates. Simmering has penned a novel that is quite an impressive mash up of Asimov’s parallel universes and Cartland’s historical romance stories. Worthy of every reader’s attention and admiration, this book is not to be just frazzled away into the dusty shelves.