Budaniel: and Simba the Toy Lion (Susan Kapanke)


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Publication Date: 11/7/2018
Standard Color 8.5 x 8.5 in
Page Count:34


The book Budaniel is a true story about Susan’s nephew Nathaniel and his favorite toy, Simba the Lion.  The story will resonate with adults who have fond memories of favorite toys and especially with children who are delighted with the companionship of toy animals.  It wonderfully narrates the true story of a child’s affection for Simba, the toy lion who gives the boy courage in his shyness

One day, Nathaniel’s family visits his grandparents who were hosting a family reunion where he could bond with his  cousins in playtime.  In the midst of all the excitement, Nathaniel lost his favorite toy, the Lion Simba.  This brought sadness to the boy for the Lion was his favorite.  He felt lonely and sad without his beloved toy.  Aunt Susan comforted her nephew by assuring him that Simba must be enjoying a little adventure but would return to his  beloved boy.

The book, a true story, is perfect for all readers, not only for children who have favorite toys, but for anyone who enjoys the comfort of friendship or of treasured possessions.

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Book Type

Paperback, Hardcover, eBook