This novel, as in the previous eleven stories in the series involving Matt and the General, with the assistance of their associates and friends, Matt and the General combine their efforts to solve three major problems that involve the safety of the United States. In this instance, the action takes place completely within the United States, unlike the others that have an international flavor. An Untimely Situation is situated in the beautiful areas of Hilton Head Island and the residential community of Sun City Hilton Head located in the southeast coast of the state of South Carolina.
As in the previous novels, Matt Miller, who has a PhD degree from a prestigious university, uses mathematical thinking and solid logic, along with the organizational ability of General Les Miller, his grandfather, to solve three major problems, recognized by the President of the United States.
In this set of episodes, the action includes a governmental leak, the problems of ransomware, and a terrorist bombing. Throughout, the activity uses the knowledge of General Mark Clark and three important women including Ashley, who is Matt’s wife, Anna, who is the General’s wife, and Ann, who is General Clark’s wife.
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