This book is a drop in the bucket of research needed, more than ever today, to prepare current and coming generations for the best practices that would help to realise and live the best of aging life. The topics and the approaches propose to enhance the stability of life and livelihood by designing what fits our loved ones and our future selves. Thus, we target here to holistically explore the aging parent physical, mental, social, and psychological wellbeing. This exploration should ultimately establish a value-driven socioeconomic focus today and in the future in relevance to aging and aging economy.
This book is meant to confront you as a reader, as a close carer, or as an economist with the reality of aging challenges and how to deal with them with high tolerance. The weakening of traditional familial support to elderly parents over the last century, influenced by the capital economy, is what makes this work more of a socioeconomic book. The book focuses on the importance of engaging family members of all ages, as close carers for the elderly parents. The chapters present a variety of opportunities for raising our ‘capacity’, as current or future close carers, towards the rapidly increasing ‘demands’ of aging in the world. This care can create a currency much more important than all the money could buy.
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