The Twilight: In The Dark Forest by Jean Andre Chery


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A royal family reigned in Haiti under the protection of the priests, who dwelt in their chapel because of werewolves in the dark forest. Most of the royal family was killed in fighting the evil spirits, and the surviving son ascended to the throne as the new king. He left the kingdom on a long journey to the dark side of the world in search of a way to destroy the witch who caused the deaths of his sister and parents. Upon his return, he fought a massive battle with his kingdom by his side to take the mourning away from the heart of his family. He and his followers conquered evil spirits that dwelt in the dark forest and had the power to drink the blood of the Haitian people. The royal family found peace with the evil spirits, the werewolves, the vampires, and the witches, all protected by the terrestrial armies of King Edward Kingstone.


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