Walking with The Word
The Bible is the most astounding compendium ever placed within the binding of one book. It is a miracle of preservation, containing a history of the ages—here is archaeology’s treasure! But its message is as up-to-date as this morning’s newspapers.
The Bible is a textbook on the diagnosis and prognosis of the human condition and it reveals the Antidote that brings healing. The Bible unlocks the mysteries of human spirituality and offers dialogue with the Divine Architect: The Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all that is. Of particular note is that The Word is a title given to Jesus! Walk with Him through the pages of Scripture!
Walking with The Word is a Guide Map through the mountains, valleys, plains, deserts, and the gardens of the Bible, in step with “The Articulation of Divinity”, whom we have come to know as Jesus! These daily readings will open into panoramic views which shed light on the whole via a daily trek—with pertinent reflections and promptings to prayer. The prayers are open-ended, allowing the reader to add personal thoughts.
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