The Dawn Of Tyshonar: The Shimmering Axe Saga Epoch 1 Volume 1 (Tim A. F. Schuler)


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Publication Date: 10/19/2020
Trim Size: 6 x 9 in or 229 x 152 mm
Page Count: 206


A New Epic Struggle between Good and Evil Unfolds!!

For Jelark Greymace, being a sixteen-year-old in Clan Montalyn is rough. His father, Rushter is the leader; his mother has passed on; and everyone assumes he will be the next leader once his father moves on. But Jelark wants more to life than constant moving and camping from place to place. He dreams of a simple life and wonders how he can tell his father. But after a chance encounter with a beautiful elven woman named Serhanna, the simple life he dreams of is distant memory. Now he has to find the oldest tree in the world and a castle that has been forever forgotten; all the while try to convince his father he knows the location of the mythical Weapon of Wonder. Meanwhile, Tylog Fervorblade, the young Dark Lord of the presumed extinct Phrona, plots to not only take complete control of Phrona, but reveal their existence to Montalyn. In order to accomplish this goal, he must first commit the ultimate act of evil and create an alliance with a deadly race. Tylog once dreamt of a simple life, but now he wants control of all. When he learns of the location of Clan Montalyn, everyone’s lives will be altered and destiny will be learned. In a realm where magic and dragons’ rule and the sword can change the complexion of lives, anything can and WILL happen. The first installment in the Quest of The Shimmering Axe has begun!