The Adventures of the Black Prince and Bongo The Cross-Eyed Giant by Emmett L. Woods


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“The Adventures of the Black Prince and Bongo The Cross-Eyed Giant” is the first book in The Adventures of the Black Prince. Rothello, who is known throughout the land as The Black Prince, travels over the ocean to a township called Moshi located in the country of Tanzania (East Africa) to help the Chagga tribe. The Chagga tribe is being bullied by a 20-foot giant named Bongo The Cross-Eyed Giant.

Instead of killing The Giant, Rothello renders The Giant helpless by blinding him in both eyes. Bongo The Cross-Eyed Giant then becomes dependent on the kindness and generosity of the villagers who he once bullied. The villagers’ acts of caring, kindness, compassion, and generosity awaken a new spirit in The Giant.

Bongo then becomes a better person than he once was. Because of the benevolent way Rothello handled Bongo The Cross-Eyed Giant, the Chief of Moshi dubbed Rothello “The Black Prince.”


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