I have always considered the story of Jesus with the children one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible. It seemed to me that anyone who had actually been touched by Him would be “touched” for life.
My story is about a young crippled Roman girl, Flavia, living in Judea with her parents, her father was sent there in the service of the Emperor, Tiberius. She is a young, headstrong, selfish little girl but after being held and healed by Jesus her outlook begins to change. However, life is not smooth and she and her slave girl, Merriam are captured by outlaws and separated from her parents for many years. During this time other characters are introduced among others: the tribe with which they lived, two other little children captured and taken to Rome as slaves, the boy sent to a farm to work and the girl to serve as a slave in the House of Vestals, a young Roman soldier, Marius whose father commands the troops in Jerusalem, Pontius Pilate and Claudia Procula, Caligula and Claudius, emperors of Rome, and others who enter and influence the life of Flavia.
The story begins in Judea, moves to Rome, and I cannot tell you where it ends as that might spoil the story.