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Operating in a start-up and entrepreneurial environment that is innovative, fast-paced and requires multitasking brings about the realization that a demonstrable gap exists between what leadership expects of consultants and how they, in reality, work, referred to as the expectation-reality gap (ERG).

Whether you have an idea, are ready to initiate, or are in the process of building your consulting organization, you will benefit from the content of this book. Once your leadership and consultants grasp these themes, write Jacobs, they will respond with urgency to become key players and gain significant momentum for the start-up, and consulting business.

Jacobs masterfully applied the input-process-output (IPO) model and descriptive attributes to demonstrate and analyze the ERG, and guide readers to gain insight into why the expectation-reality gap occurs, and what inadequacies might exist in terms of culture, capability and leadership. Jacobs provides for each ERG theme, a checklist of questions to ascertain whether the organization employs practices to avoid or narrow the ERG.

Realizing the ERG themes exist and understanding the context is a powerful instrument. For hiring teams during the recruitment process; client-engagement leaders when engaging consultants in business development activities; project leaders in assigning and mentoring team members; executive management in starting, leading, and managing consulting organizations; and for individual consultants understanding what leaders expect.”

My Expectations Nearly Killed My Dream is the checklist methodology every entrepreneur needs to build a non-conventional business, an influential culture, and talent that can sustain an environment characterized by client value, speed, and adaptability


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