JESUS, OUR HOUSE OF PRAYER: The Art Of Abiding by Don C. Vinyard


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The Art Of Abiding is a well-documented reality, but a road rarely taken.

Our oneness with Jesus through Holy Spirit is not just sound doctrine, it is an
invitation into what the modern church gave up imagining or believing even possible!

66 times the Apostle whom Jesus loved, John, the beloved, used the word Greek
word “meno” to describe our relationship with Jesus. To abide is to stay, to remain, to
come in and never leave, to be enduringly present.

At best abiding is typically taught as a high and vague ideal. It is rather an
ACTUAL PLACE within you who have been born into spirit! The PLACE of abiding
is your spirit which has been made ONE with Holy Spirit!

It is not designed for the occassional visit!

It is not intended as a road that is crossed on occasion, by accident.

It is Our House Of Prayer to which we are called to come in and be ever present in!

Every moment of every day can be lived here in the very Presence of Holy, woven
into the very fabric of Holy Spirit!



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