I Thought the Shame Would Kill Me: But Grace Set Me Free by Rev. Dr. Tarasa B Lovick


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The impact of waking up on your life is profound.

Rev. Dr. Tarasa B. Lovick’s collection of poems leads others on a poignant, lyrical journey that illuminates the enormous rewards of spiritual awakening. Tarasa weaves words together like a fifine thread, formulating exceptional ideas. Her voice is pronounced and consistent, which is vital in any celebrated literary piece. These are the qualities that set the author apart from all other writers. Tarasa captures the beauty that lives inside the heart of every person seeking inner truth. Only in emptiness do you enter into truth and truth enters you. An inward journey takes courage. Love is the greatest courage in the world because it cannot depend on anything else. However, when you choose to accept the arduous inner journey, you will be rewarded with the marvelous discovery of love for your self, God, and your enemy.


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