“Fumble the Bumble-Bee” is an adventure story about a reluctant Bumble-bee who has to be taught what all bees know. She makes many mistakes in her first quest to find food. Encouraged by big Sister Bee, she goes farther, tries harder, and does not give up easily. These are the themes of the book, and all children learning new skills will identify with this adorable, little bee.
The book emphasizes the 3 R’s (Rhyme, Rhythm and Repetition) which are important for pre-readers to develop an interest in reading and for beginning and young readers to consolidate their reading skills.
“Fumble the Bumble-Bee” is the first in the series of the “Fumble Bumble-Bee Books.” Children will be delighted by the adventures of this fumbling, bumbling bee. The colourful, detailed pictures and the story will make this a favourite of children everywhere. “Fumble the Bumble-Bee” is educational, fun to read, and ideal for children 3 years of age and up
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