The charge put forth in Every Man’s a Mentor is that men must step up to the plate and mentor our boys. Mentoring is a huge key to rescuing the American family, a truly powerful prescription for society’s ills. It is essential to nurture the future man inside each one of them, to help shape each boy into the husband, father, and man God made him to be.
SAM MEHAFFIE encourages readers to make a positive impact on their son, their grandson, their nephew, and on being a life-changing influence to the many fatherless boys in our churches and neighborhoods. This teaching doesn’t just take place in Sunday school or in church. This teaching takes place in the home, at the ball field, in the car, sharing a pizza, at the store, walking together, and even through men’s relationships with their wives. These are the places where a boy learns the lessons of life and self and God, where he learns who he is in God’s plan and where he fits. Men have the answer to the heart-cry of today’s boys: we must reach out to them if we expect to change the next generation.
“My dad has the heart of a servant and a true calling to mentor young men. He has been a great example of how to be a godly parent and role model, and has proven that a man of integrity is what every Christian young boy needs in his life and what every Christian man should strive to be.” — S. SHAWN MEHAFFIE
“This is a must-read book for every man who wants to make a difference.” —BRYAN DAVIS, ALL PRO DADS
“I am encouraged by Sam’s vision for ministry. In order to turn this nation, there must be a generation of young men who are mentored to lead this great nation back to our biblical foundation.” —ED LITTON, SENIOR PASTOR, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, MOBILE, AL