Eve the Mother of All Living: Science and Theology of the Human Body by Juleon (Abaelardus) Schins


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Topics covered: the origin of the human body (specifically, why the biblical Eve is to be identified with the mitochondrial Eve); the origin of the human soul (the only explanation of the difference in behavior between humans and chimpanzees); the metaphysics of how a non-material soul can operate a human body, without conflicting with fundamental physical laws (quantum mechanics); the concept of original sin, which is often wrongly interpreted as a sin in the progeny of Adam and Eve (e.g. the Catholic Theological Commission on the fate of unbaptized unborns); and the nature of resurrection, which cardinal Ratzinger did not fully grasp in his 1977 lecture notes of dogmatic theology. Most of all, the author stresses the checkmate of contemporary geneticists with respect to the gender asymmetry of hybrid progeny among anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals. Hybrid progeny was fertile, but only that of sapiens mothers and Neanderthal fathers actually survived. More info on the website ingenuousness.org.


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