Each book featured on our bookstore features a unique Westwood Books story of its own ─ a story between a writer’s dream and how we helped them achieve it by working through each step.
If you find errors or wish to add pages, make changes to some of the contents inside the book after it has completed its publishing. We can apply your corrections and resubmit the file to the printer and replace the old version of the book for future copies with an additional fee.
Converting your carefully handwritten manuscript to digital format expands your manuscripts horizons with the various online platforms that could use it. This will provide a fast and convenient service to authors who wish to have their books changed into a digital format.
Intricate and vivid images with texture and finish drawn painstakingly by hand through our experienced team of artists. Adding greater details to create a very unique personality to the illustration that is appropriate to your book and its targeted audience.
Intricate and vivid images with texture and finish drawn painstakingly by hand through our experienced team of artists. Adding greater details to create a very unique personality to the illustration that is appropriate to your book and its targeted audience.
Using simple and uncomplicated designs. This adds a classic taste to your book through clean lines and basic illustrations. Drawn by hand and colored digitally these illustrations can vary from styles and subject matters of your choosing.
Our experienced artists can add a subtle touch that is easy to notice. These illustrators add more depth and vibrant imagery through the use of basic shadows and highlights to accentuate a feel that is like three dimension.