This is the inside story of the man who was known as the White Tornado in Rolls Royce Bristol aero engines, for he outlines the work he and others carried out over 21 years during the early concept, development and in service stages of the Panavia MRCA-Tornado engines. He went on to Project Manage Europe’s first production single crystal turbine blades, and then worked on Control Systems for several years, describing these works as the story proceeds.
A whistle blower, he enjoyed Gilbert & Sullivan, Hang Gliding, and Motorsport, and he eventually left RR, to work with several charities, particularly Headway and Remap, where he describes his experience as an inventive carer of disabled people of all sorts.
As a Humanist, he has experience of and interest in many things, and the book thus contains a variety of challenging thoughts, including the nature of biological evolution (Extra Terrestrials too).