The Sabbath: To Observe or not to Observe: An Apologetic Response (Lyndon Mottley)


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Publication Date: 1/22/2019
B&W 5.5 x 8.5 in or 216 x 140 mm
Page Count: 42


The seventh-day Sabbath is grounds for both sharp contention and excommunication within religious circles. For many, the seventh-day Sabbath is an irrevocable feature for all God’s people at all times. There is, in contrast strong and compelling evidence that the seventh-day Sabbath provides a fossilized frame of a rich and verifiable history of God’s power, graces and mercies towards Israelites. These Israelites, whose progenitor is Jacob, are, however, in sharp contrast to other people’s groups and particularly Christ’s church. While many arguments are advanced for a Jew-Jesus’ Church oneness, such arguments are outweighed by clearly convincing evidence for a
distinction between Jews and Jesus’ Church. In addition, the seventh-day Sabbath foreshadowed a perpetual rest, in which all via faith in Christ enter. As a shadow, the seventh-day Sabbath recedes in oblivion in height of the Son’s light. Consider the propositions of this book.

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Paperback, Hardcover, eBook