It is apparent that we live in a depraved destructive challenging world that presents every negative influence in the most positive sense such that many, if not all, become indifferent and blinded to the imminent dangers of some repugnant repulsive contemporary cultural norms. These include injustice, inequality, poverty, intolerance, low threshold for the truth, moral paucity, and ungodliness.
The society is massively segregated, hate and crime are on the rise, and families are getting fragmented and becoming dysfunctional. It appears that no one truly cares, especially if you feel that you are not directly impacted. To make thematter worse,God has become systematically minimized in our daily political, economic and social discourse.
This book discusses the sovereignty of God and the freedom and hope we have in Christ as our mediator. It delineates the opportunity for the Church to model the love of Christ, transform the world by setting positive standards, exhibit empathy, strengthen families, and raise the next generation of God-fearing leaders. God rules in love, unconditional forgiveness and abundant grace.
This book highlights some endemic global social issues that threaten our wellbeing, and our continued spiritual growth in Christ. These include racism, ethnicism, bigotry, injustice, poverty, interplay of religion and politics, physical and emotional abuse, depression, anxiety and addiction. Thus, the society is utterly polarized, confused and have become progressively fragmented.
Despite these deplorable state and strings of failures, the unconditional love of God for mankind remains unchanged. Jesus offers hope and true peace; wants to meet us where we are. We must retract from our ungodly ways, truly seek Christ, accept His unconditional forgiveness and reclaim our joy and fellowship with Him. We should live a life of purpose for God’s Glory.
God can meet us, even in our tragedies and rock bottoms, particularly when we sincerely turn to Him. The message of mercy, hope, and God’s infinite goodness towards mankind is encapsulated in Christ. God extended His ultimate overtures of love, mercy and grace through Christ for forgiveness of our sins. Sin has subtle deceptiveness, which entices us to focus on worldly pleasures and excludes us from God’s blessings. It enslaves us, numbs our conscience and blinds us to His truth.
The good news is that Christ, by shading His blood, built a bridge between us and God to enable us stay in constant communion and relationship with the Father. God does not want us to remain in bondage to sin. The love of Christ heals and restores the mankind to the position that God has always intended for us. Christ offers unconditional Forgiveness and Love, and an eternal gateway to His Father.