“My Fall Through Time,” is the chronological story of this author’s experiences after a life-changing event. This story recalls how the author lived her life, after the catastrophe.
Struck down when she was just seventeen years old, Ms. Ventura has presented us here, with the story of how her life changed in one fell swoop.
Written in an easy-to-read style, the author has graced us with personal and in-depth accounts of strange occurrences and odd situations that she endured. Throughout the journey of her life, the author experienced spiritual and psychological renderings of extraordinary happenings.
The story tells the readers about visions, strange dreams, out-of-body experiences, aneurisms, seizures, medicines, mental depressions, and the archaic brain tests, which eventually brought to light, the cause of all the changes in her life.
Finally, there is the acknowledgement, belief, and the acceptance by the author, of the spiritual reality, that our lives are truly in the hands of God.
The final tribute here is that the author shares her story, telling the readers about the lessons she learned because of her fall through time.
The hope of the author is that perhaps, through her experiences, she can help her readers gain insight and understanding of their own life journey.