Kingdom Kids (Susan Hatton)


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Publication Date: 8/28/2019
B&W 6 x 9 in or 229 x 152 mm
Page Count: 52


This book is about children in ministry, not waiting until they are adults but being used by God now.

People see children as the church of tomorrow, but God wants to use them now while they are still young. We scramble to find people who will teach Sunday school and take their turn as it were, but what we really need are people whom God has called to work with them.

They need to be brought into a relationship with Jesus, then be equipped through some of the spiritual gifts to serve. In this book, I will share with you, stories of children I have worked with in England and here in Canada. Children who have seen answers to their prayers, who have brought a word from God and changed lives.

There is nothing more awesome than seeing a child lost in worship.

At the back of the book, there are helps for those who want to know how.

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Book Type

Paperback, Hardcover, eBook