Enigmas of the 4th Universe: Trilogy of Ice Box Book 4 (Mary A. Lonergan)

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Publication Date: 2/21/2020
B&W 6 x 9 in or 229 x 152 mm
Page Count: 156


Slade and Char’ly O’Rourke were once again, sent out on a new mission, to investigate an unknown sphere that no one knew had existed. Until recently, each of the spheres contain 4 universes or more and somehow, no one was able to break from one heavily guarded, veil into the 2nd sphere. Why was the veil between two spheres so thick and unbreakable? The O’Rourke’s were shown a secret that kept all others away, leaded rocks and black holes protected the entire sphere 2, universes and their secrets. The mission was accomplished, with the suction of the black hole landing them on a dead planet. Close to death, their rescuers finally presented themselves, the shock of seeing them, had them begging for more information. The aliens finally introduced the O’Rourke and their crew to their universes, with a stern warnings, the 4th is the most aggressive of all. The O’Rourke’s, must return with this new info. How is this possible??