In Amy and Muppet the main character Amy must learn to be accepting of her new baby brother Buddy and not to think that her parents are forsaking her. Her Grandmother Rosie is there for her and helps her feel loved and appreciated. Her parents though very busy with a new born baby eventually realize that Amy too needs their love and attention. This short story clearly reminds many of us who have had a new addition to the family that we must include older siblings in the rearing of the new born or else they will feel unwanted or neglected.
Courageous Sammy-Joe depicts a young boy who is determined to combat his weight problem and become a track and ¬ eld champion like Tonique Williams-Darling. He is given the love and encouragement from his parents and Coach Star. He defeats all odds and becomes an excellent role model for his fellow classmates.
Both stories teach children as well as adults to be patient, tolerant, and considerate of other’s feeling.