Rock With Rodney And, Party with Perky to Preserve Wildlife 3 (Patty Fayerweather Harlow)


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Rock with Rodney & Party with Perky to Preserve Wildlife 1-3…” is for ages 8 to 21+, because we all need to know! We all need to know about the many assaults happening to our Environment, affecting our lives! – Before it is too late!

Rodney the rock n’ roll Rabbit, Perky the powerful partying Panther, Dylan the dancing Dog, Courtney the creative Cougar, Taffy the totally tubular Turtle, Fanny the fun-loving Fox, Hart the hilarious Hippo and Sam Slimey Snake get together for a party at Rodney’s house. While playing a game from Perky’s bag of fun: ‘Way out of Yonder’; a game of the beauty and misfortunes of OUR National Parks and Historical Landmarks spread across the USA. They decide to stop playing with fictional plans and act with their newly learned knowledge in helping to save OUR fragile America the Beautiful!

They learn more of continual happening threats, endangering wildlife, endangering mankind! Then, together they act…

They plan to put on a fun fund raiser to raise money to send to the grassroots, environmental groups working hard to save Our planet & wellbeing.

EVERYONE’S SMALL CHANGE will make a big change for the better.