Pedro, as they call him besides calling him a crow, finds himself lost in the desert. Pedro finds the terrain and the environment an adventure. He finds life-threatening issues everywhere he turns. There seems to be no end to his dilemma.
Pedro finally finds himself set in with Mr. Wiley Cat but keeps his distance. See, they are not alone either. It is a welcome party no one wants to meet, and too much generosity leads to suspicion. It seems like everyone wants to adhere to taking him home, at least for a night.
It would make you think why a sidewinder, rattlesnake, coyote, wolf, fox, and cat would argue to jumping to offer him in. Pedro is new anyway.
Then there are the Indians and the settlers-the people. And there is the animal council. It just doesn’t seem to be an end.
I hope that you enjoy this book and also “The Flea and the Fox” by me, Mr. Joseph.